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How to make a hedgehog Male Furry Dollmaker v1.1?

In this guide we’ll show you how to play Male Furry Dollmaker v1.1 and also how to take a picture of your finished hedgehog in the game, let’s quickly begin now.

This picture acts as a referance guide on the step by step below this picture.
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  1. Go to “Male Furry Dollmaker v1.1” located on EmeraldGames.com‘s website.
  2. Wait for the game to load (takes at least less than 5 mins to fully load).
  3. Click “START!” button in the middle.
  4. in the “red square” area this is where you select the colour of the body for the hedgehog.
  5. In the “yellow square” area you can choose additonal body parts such as hair, spines, underwear, socks, face & torso, shirts, gloves, shoes, ears & tails, coats, pants and accessories. You can click on each one at a time  and then click on the part in the “green square” area which is the big box.
  6.  The “orange square” is if you want the arms a different colour from the body you have a choice of none, pink or slightly tanned brownish colour. If you don’t want it and you’ve change your mind click on the X and it will change it back to normal.
  7. The “blue square” area is a preview of what you’ve made, when you make a change or click on a item, the change will reflect in the preview area on the left where the hedgehog is.


How to add hair to your hedgehog?

Now let’s try playing the game and to start of by adding hair to our hedgehog.

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  1. In the “yellow square” area click on the button which says HAIR.
  2. On the top right in the “green square” box you can select the colour of the hair, select any colour you want it to be.
  3. On the bottom of the “green square” area there’s two buttons called PAGE 1 and PAGE 2 click a page if you want more hair styles and options.
  4. Drag over the hair and place it on top of the head to style your hedgehog.
  5. DONE


How to change the body colour/color on the hedgehog?

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  1. In the red square area select a colour to add onto the body by clicking the square with the colour you want.
  2. As soon as you select a colour it will change your hedgehog automaticly in the “blue square” area.
  3. DONE


How to add spines to the hedgehog?

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  1. In the “yellow square” area click on SPINES button.
  2. The body colour you selected will match the spine colour of your choice.
  3. Drag over the spine to your hedgehog in the “blue square” area. (TIP: Line it up carefully)
  4. DONE


How to add eyes, mouth, nose and chest hair to the hedgehog?

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  1. In the “Yellow Square” area select FACE & TORSO.
  2. On the top right in the “green square” area you can choose the colours of the eyes, select a colour to add to the inner eyes.
  3. You can drag the eyes onto the face in the “blue square” area.
  4. Drag the mouth from the “green square” area onto the “blue square” area on the hedgehog’s face.
  5. You can repeat the process with the chest hair and noses if you wanted those added.
  6. DONE


How to add a shirt/jacket/jersey/suit on to the hedgehog?

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  1. In the “yellow square” area click on SHIRTS button.
  2. You’re on PAGE 1 but you can go to PAGE 2 for more clothing options if you wanted to.
  3. I’ve selected PAGE 2 which is located on the bottom right corner in “green square” area.
  4. Select a item and drag it from “green square” area to “blue square” area.
  5. Make sure to position it carefully so no body parts stick out.
  6. DONE


How to add gloves to the hedgehog?

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  1. In the “yellow square” area click on GLOVES button.
  2. Click on a glove and drag it from “green square” area to “blue square” area.
  3. Position them at his hands very closely, so nothing sticks out.
  4. DONE


How to add shoes to the hedgehog?

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  1. In the “yellow square” area click on the SHOES button.
  2. In the “green square” area there are PAGE 1 and PAGE 2 options for more a bigger selection of shoes to choose.
  3. Left click on the shoes you want and drag it from the “green square” area to the “blue square” area.
  4. Position them on the hedgehogs feet and be careful to shape them around his legs correctly.
  5. DONE


How to add a tail or ears to the hedgehog?

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  1. In the “yellow square” area click on EARS & TAILS button.
  2. You can choose to have both ears and a tail or more if you preferred to have it that way.
  3. drag the body part from “green square” area on to the “blue square” area.
  4. DONE


How to add pants/shorts/jeans/tracksuit/trousers on to the hedgehog?

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  1. in the “yellow square” area click onto the PANTS button.
  2. There are two pages to select clothing from you can select anything you want for your hedgehog.
  3. Drag the item of clothing from the “green square” area to the “blue square” area.
  4. Position it closely with his waist and legs carefully.
  5. DONE


How to add accessories to the hedgehog?

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  1. Select in the “yellow square” area the ACCESSORIES button.
  2. You’ve got PAGE 1 and PAGE 2 to select these items from.
  3. Drag over the items you wish to place on the hedgehog by left click and dragging from the “green square” to the “blue square” area.
  4. DONE

Well Done! You’ve sucessfully completed your very own hedgehog!


How to save my hedgehog?

  1. Press Pr Sc (print screen key) on your keyboard.
  2. Open Paint by going to start (left corner) > all programs > Accessories > (left click on this) Paint
  3. wait for it to load then right click in the white area and paste it.
  4. cut away the site and leave either the blue area in the game or the gray part.
  5. crop it down a little more.
  6. You can recolour it or leave it as it is.
  7. click on the left corner file and save as
  8. enter the name of the hedgehog in that box
  9. then while in that box on the left click pictures or my pictures.
  10. then save it to that folder, if it renames it self again then change it back to what you entered the first time.
  11. DONE


Here’s one I made earlyer.

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Clik here to view.

There are loads of free programs out there such as GIMP, Paint.net and paint as well as online image editing websites!

Always ask permission before installing programs onto someone’s PC if you’re unsure ask them first before installing anything.


Thanks for reading and hope this how to guide is useful to you all!

EmeraldGames.com Owner

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